Do you ever wonder how life started or how we are such a tiny part of this infinite universe?

There have been many theories about how the universe came into existence, the most relevant being 'The Big Bang Theory'.

Jeevan means 'Life' and Life is a characteristic that distinguishes physical entities that have biological processes. It exists in the form of organisms which are open systems that maintain homeostasis, are composed of cells, have a life cycle, undergo metabolism, can grow, adapt to their environment, respond to stimuli, reproduce and evolve.

For an organism to survive it needs a formula- a 'Sutra' which it has to follow in order to stay alive or sustain.

Where there is life, there will always be disease or death. Even though death is inevitable, we as humans try to live a healthy life with less diseases and to prevent this our ancestors developed many theories to cure and treat wounds, diseases etc.

Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest traditional systems of medicine that originated in India around 5,000 BCE.The term ayurveda stems from two Sanskrit words: ayuh (meaning life) and veda (meaning knowledge – the knowledge of longevity and life).

Gradually, there was much advancement in this field. Gone and lost are the days when rishi-munis's could hold a nerve and detect the ailment.

One such branch of science is Pathology.Pathology originates from 'Pathos' meaning 'diseases' and 'logos' meaning 'study'. It is the bridge between science and medicine. It underpins every aspect of patient care, from diagnostic testing and treatment advice to using cutting-edge genetic technologies and preventing disease.

This branch of medicine has possibly felt the quickening influence of science more than any other. New fields have been opened to it. It has come in closer connection with biology on one hand and with the practice of medicine on the other. As comparative pathology it has become an important element in the economy of the country. New methods of investigation in anatomy and physiology have been quickly applied to the study of problems in pathology.

Pathologists play a critical role in research, advancing medicine and devising new treatments to fight viruses, infections and diseases like cancer.

Nowadays, organisms are sufficiently disposed and susceptible to attack as inimical forces, which is partly physical and partly terrestrial due to ever changing lifestyle, synthetic food habits and many more. There are so many ebbs and tides continuously happening to every individual's life. But the problem is we can draw only a single straight line between two points (disease and cure).

Bearing a deep understanding inside our mind in regards to trustworthy healthcare services, we are very keen to give birth to a laboratory Jeevan Sutra, which can depict the real picture. Giving you the most accurate results would be our first priority. We promise to work towards providing the best services to you, so that you and your loved ones lead a healthy, well informed and safe life.